Why do you renew YOUR SOTF membership each year?

A current member recently posed this question on Sister's on the fly Members' Facebook page on the eve of renewing her annual membership ($70 annual dues) and the answers were very insightful. Here are some of those-

Carol M- I love meeting new sisters and I love my friends I’ve met before. I love how supportive this group of women are and how warm and welcome I feel when I’m with them. I hope you can experience the same.

Pat DI saw an article in a magazine years ago about SOTF and thought "how cool is that?" I put it in the back corner of my mind, but never forgot. I was talking to a friend one say about getting a little trailer, and she started sending me all kinds of pictures. Then, I met a gal at a craft show and we started talking about trailers and both ended up joining and have consecutive Sister numbers! I had bought a beat up trailer and had started working on it before I joined. I found out about an event in McKinney, and Tammie, the hostess convinced me to come, even though I was't finished with it. Before the McKinney event, there was a sister event in Fort Worth at the Cowgirl Museum. I went over on the Friday when they had a public event and realized I had found my "tribe." I met Tammie face to face that night, and she nearly squeezed all the air out of my lungs. Joining SOTF is the most empowering thing I have ever done. I LOVE towing my trailer. It is one of those "happy places."

Ann F- I love meeting all the sisters and enjoy time with woman that are so nice and welcoming. It is fun to travel to places you wouldn’t get to without this organization.

Susan B- If it weren’t for SOTF I’d never have herded cattle on a Wyoming ranch, swam with the Manatees in FL, wandered Custer State Park again, kayaked Lake Superior or been going to New England. I feel sisters support and encouragement in everything I do.

Julie B- Adventures, getting me back to my home state of CA... I wouldn’t be going back without my sister trips. Wouldn’t be a sister if I didn’t do trips. You can find lots of groups on Meetup for lunch and movies but this group is for the travel/camping.

Bette P- I’ve camped since I was a kid, love to fish (hubs doesn't) and I use to own and show horses (urban cowgirl) and I’m a little crazy. When I saw a segment on Travel Channel years ago and knew someday I’d be a Sister. Joined last month Sister #10371?. Presently restoring my little trailer and can’t wait for my first event.

Kristin M- I’m Sister #29. Oh, the stories I have and the fun... Oh my. The friends I’ve made....priceless.

Kathy W- Just one reason..... The sisters I've met are amazing. I would have never met them without SOTF.

Nancy E- I enjoy the friendships I have made, the memories. I wouldn't have met these women had it not been for SOTF! SO looking forward to meeting and having fun with many more! To me, its well worth the money!

Lugene W- SOTF is made up of some of the most kind-hearted, vibrant, FUN, brilliant, talented, welcoming gals in the world. Nuff said! #3333.

Vicki B- The last 6 or so years of my life, I've gone through major life changes. 1) Major surgery with the potential for cancer, but thankfully, no cancer 2) Move away from my *peeps* & support system 3) Daughter off the rails 4) Loss of Mom and Dad 5) Cleaning & packing up parents' & childhood home. About halfway through all this, I joined SOTF and have so much enjoyed, needed and am thankful for the support, friendship and simple hugs I've gotten.

Kris B- Omg....where do I start??? Life changing, fun, challenging, amazing, one of the best things I have ever done for myself and SOTF has brought some of the most amazing people into my life....and did I say FUN? It has brought me laughter, tears, amazement and joy..... Many of my friends and family live through my eyes and adventures...SOTF is a gift to myself.

JoAnn S- So I don't have to travel alone. My husband doesn't like to travel so I probably won't go without my sister's. And oh the places I've seen!!!

Becki F- I've met some of my closest friends in this group. It's the best thing I've ever done for myself. As women, everything is our responsibility. Trips with the girls become my time to take care of me. Unwind, laugh, cut up, do nothing, do something, whatever I feel like. These ladies are my tribe and I'll autorenew until I die.

Ginny McKI lost my husband five years ago. The Sisters showed me HE died, I did not. I love the sense of community SOTF provides!

Kathy C- Sister support

Sister Spotlight: Time is precious for this Road Warrior!

I have worked in an office as a legal assistant at a law firm for 23 years. Now, the older I get, the more fresh air I crave!  

Living in the Northeast my entire life, I appreciate every moment of time I can have outside.  Favorite pastimes while camping are laying in my hammock with a good book, riding my bike and taking long strolls.  Another happy place is in my kayak.  I love to paddle long and far to wash away all the stress. I have recently acquired a love for yoga and the inner peace it gives me as well as the physical health.

My favorite motto is “Time is more precious than gold.”  I try to live by this to collect memories, not things.  When I joined Sisters on the fly I would constantly tell the Sisters, "I’m a Camper, not a Glamper." And yet each trip I take with them finds one more decoration on or in my trailer.  I also said that about dressing up for events, but I have found that it’s lots of fun!

I have been a camper my whole life and have always had a love for it.  My daughter refers to me as a “professional camper.”   My kids grew up spending their summers tenting in Vermont State Parks, swimming in the lakes, riding bikes until sunset and then counting the stars or roasting s'mores.  Now that my son is grown, he still chooses to vacation with his tent.  Button Bay state park along the coast of Lake Champlain is still my most favorite place to be.

I had never heard of SOTF until one cold November day when an attorney in my office told my about his wife’s friend who was taking this fascinating trip along the Lewis and Clark trail with a group of women. He said, “You should check it out, Tanya. They are your kind of women!!”  He was so right.  Joining SOTF has been so fulfilling for me. None of my local friends like to camp, so finding a group of women who love it as much as I do has been so exciting. While joining a fellow Sister on her maiden voyage in her newly purchased camper, my 18 hours with her was eye-opening. That's when I learned how glorious it was to camp without my family!  

A Sister is a Sister

Not having a biological sister of my own, I have thrived on having a Sisterhood.  It’s amazing how bonded you are to Sisters after you have just met after spending a weekend together.  When my son found out he was going to be stationed in Texas, I asked to join the Texas Sisters group Facebook page and one sister immediately reached out to me to give my son her number.  4 days after he arrived in Texas she picked him up at the Navy base, showed him all over town, where the best place to get a burger was and even took him apartment shopping!!  She will forever hold a place in my heart.

I recently towed my tiny trailer from upstate NY to Texas with my daughter while she was on spring break to visit my son and attend the SOTF event Wonderful Women of Waxahachie.  At one point my aunt, exasperated with worrying about my cross country wanderings said “you’re just like your grandmother!”  I gladly accepted that as a compliment. One of my many highlights on this trip was teaching my 16 year old daughter to tow.  Because we were traveling over 1,200 miles I wanted her to know what to do in case of an emergency. She was elated and so proud of herself! I feel it’s something everyone should learn how to do, just like driving a standard transmission.  

My grandmother was a “Girl Camper” before it was popular.  She was a truck loving lady who towed a small Frolic camper and would take me camping with her.  To this day I cherish those memories.  She has always taught me women can do anything we put our mind to!  My camper is named Lil Viv after my grandmother and a reminder of our times in her little camper.

I still have a teenage daughter at home and my sweet-strong-willed elderly grandmother to care for so I’m a still pretty much a weekend warrior at this point, but I know my day will come where I will be setting off in  my tiny trailer for weeks at a time to explore our beautiful country.  My bucket list is long!! Until then, I treasure each moment I can squeeze in this crazy life, especially ones with my Sisters.

Tanya Forrest # 7926
Sisters on the fly
Northeast Wrangler for NY, MA, CT & RI