Sister Spotlight: New Member Sister #13405

Author and long-distance horse rider Bernice Ende stands with her stalwart companions from earlier rides: Honor and Claire Dog.

I truly look forward to meeting Bernice at some point in the near future, I hope it is sooner rather than later!

You have had many adventures since you started long riding.  Why did you choose to join Sisters on the Fly?
"I've always been a solo traveler, one reason being that I ride 10-30 miles a day, and don't know exactly where I will camp each night, which is often on open public land.  Another reason, is that I'd really never heard much of SOTF until Sarah Wilson was telling me about you.  Again, I thought I wasn't a "fit."  Then this year on my book tour, driving my pickup and trailer, camping in the trailer itself, and needing to find those kinds of compatible camping places each night, I felt like maybe I had more in common.  But now I am very excited about all the possibilities, meeting Sisters at my talks, but also that Sisters are inviting me to join "events" when my travels meet up with them.  One of the reasons I ride is to encourage women leadership.  I love independent women!"

What one piece of advice can you offer to another member that is hesitant about "getting out there" alone for the first time?
Fear, the single most definitive reason why most do not "get out there" is a heady thing. And truly it is all in ones head. To proceed with out fear is freedom. Replacing fear with caution, attentiveness and skill is my personal way. The very act of BEING PREPARED will usually in and of itself set one in motion, make the wheels turn. But to be clearly attached to the vision you have set for ones self is also very important be very clear about what and where and why you are going. THEN, prepare. Embrace uncertainty, surprise, mystery."

I love to ride, my horse Andy is almost 20 so we don't go very far or very long.  At this time in my life I don't believe I will get another horse.  For those that don't ride or have never ridden but would like to....what would you say to encourage them to do so?
Actually I do not encourage women who have never ridden or who have not ridden for many years to go off on rides and or to purchase a horse. It's far to dangerous. As we age we lose our response skills, agility nor we do not bounce as we once did.

I do however, encourage older women whose riding skills have faded or have never existed to take riding lessons in a safe environment, on safe horses, with an instructor in an arena with sand!

If you would like to see what Bernice is up to at this very moment, click here:

By: Debra Nordberg, Sister # 1878, Membership Coordinator

What do I get for the Annual membership?

"To join or not to join, that is the question." But it is usually prefaced with "What do you get for the $70 annual membership?"

Sister, it's not about the bootie.  It's more about the beauty.... of this organized sisterhood. It's not the swag, it's the way you wag...

The Material Stuff

So, here are the "tangibles"  you get annually with your membership.

1. When you first join currently, we send a membership certificate (PDF) immortalizing your unique Sister number and the Month and Year you became a Sister on the fly. Yes, mine reads "Sister on the fly # 127, August 2003!" Those are some bragging rights, right there. Bam.

2. For all new & renewing members, on their joining/anniversary date of membership they are mailed a "goodie bag" packet of SOTF branded items. They vary from year to year but always include a thematic commemorative woven patch representing that year at Sisters on the fly. Do the math-  I now have 15 and they are badges of honor with stories to tell woven in them! Members do creative things to display these patches  (sew on clothing, camp furnishing and banner stringers for example). Some examples of SOTF branded swag we have sent in the past: car decals, stickers, note cards, funky fun annual calendar book, mini-tote bags, temporary tattoos, luggage tag, mini banners...

3. Access to our Membership Directory data base to connect with other local women for a new network of like-minded & fun-loving women.

4. Access to exclusive Sisters on the fly-only events and adventures via online members-only booking system (from free events to various costs)

5. Monthly 10% discount promo code on all items for sale on the SOTF website store.

6. Other random promotional deals on 3rd party vendor offers from friends and partners of Sister on the fly.

7. Many private members-only group social media pages (local, regional and national SOTF pages) to share news, creativity, passions, hobbies, crafts and wares sales, local happenings, swapping goods, etc.

8. Sisters on the fly administrative support for members creating, hosting and posting an event on the SOTF website EVENTS portal.

9.Access to  State and/or regional coordinator who is the go-to member for "herding cats" and giving guidance and assistance to new and seasoned members alike.

10. Monthly newsletter and frequent member updates and news.

The Priceless Stuff

Here are the more intangible things Sisters on the fly offers to women. They can be described as benefits of a "sisterhood" and of having a social outreach network.

1. Find your tribe! A network of women all over the country to tap, support and find support from.

2. Expand your horizons, try news things, have an open mind and defy age!

3. Get away from the regular routines of life.

4. Social  networks of women that support safe group travel, travel advice, places to stay with other Sisters all over the country, etc...ready to be tapped and used.

5. There is empowerment with a network of  women creating a Sisterhood.

6. Gathering and socializing with kindred spirits in the great outdoors at private, safe SOTF events is energizing and comfortable.

7. Our SOTF events are private, unlike MeetUp events which are public and published, and provide a sanctuary for women to be adventurous and travel.

8. Meet a variety of women and connect with those who make your life better, happier and more enriched.

9. Let your hair down and be a fun woman among fun women.

10. Beat loneliness, keep living, have a lifeline with Sister son the fly.

These things are truly priceless. Find a true BFF or several in this diverse group, locally or nationally. Gain more happiness in your life!



New Sisters, Get started here!

Welcome, NEW SISTERS!!!

We are so excited to have you as a new & valued Sister on the fly!

The SOTF website is your key to connecting to the world of SOTF right away.

Please log onto the website ( when you get the chance with your username (your Firstname_Lastname) or your email & enter the password you picked.

Go to the MEMBERS AREA tab (at top of the webpage on larger screened devices or click on the little red bars at top right on all small screen devices to make those dropdown tabs appear) and click on MY PROFILE in the MY SISTER INFO column. You'll find your unique Sister Number in your personal profile there as well.

Please Complete Both Sections in Your Profile

While in there, please complete your profile so other members can connect with you better and we can mail your welcome packet to the correct address. To do that click on PROFILE (in the purple bar), then click on EDIT (in tan bar below it), then click on both the SISTER INFO and CONTACT INFO buttons to fill in all those info fields as much as you'd like. And, please add a photo of YOU (not your dog or your trailer) so we can put a face to the name!!!

Dig in to Sister Info at Your Fingertips

Also under the MEMBERS AREA, you will find lots of helpful pages like the Member Directory, Wrangler & Staff Directory, Trailer Name list, lots of "How-To" instructions and so much more!

By clicking on or hovering over the EVENTS tab that’s only visible to logged in members, you'll be able to search for & view all the amazing events, trips & adventures posted, and sign up for some and even create your own events. Your special area coordinator (aka Wrangler) can help you do that! Fun!

Your area Wrangler will be in touch soon. But also feel free to email her first to introduce yourself (in MEMBERS AREA, click on Wrangler & Staff Directory to find her email).

Members Only Facebook Group Pages

Ask her to add you to your local Sisters' private group Facebook page to get you in the loop, too.
For questions about a specific event, be sure to reach out to its hostess.
To see who your Wrangler is go to that Wranglers & Staff Directory page.

General Info

For Membership questions, reach out to

Your certificate of membership with your unique Sister number on it, in a printable format (PDF) should have been an attachment . Look for your separate SOTF Welcome Packet with Sister goodies in the mail in the near future.

Once again, we're thrilled to have you, excited to get to know you and ready to see you around the fire or on the open road!

How many SOTF Members Live Where?

One big sisterhood

(Updated January 2019)

We do not have "chapters" per se. You might say we are "free-range!" We have no borders and there's no fencing around us! We are one big membership of women (a "Sisterhood") residing all over. Bigger states have bigger numbers of members, of course, and there are denser hubs of members in bigger cities and metropolitan areas. Warmer states more suitable for year-round recreation and camping typically have more members than other states.

No trailer? No fishing? No problem!

You do not need a camper trailer to join in the fun. Even I, a longtime member, use a tent or local motel to attend SOTF events and any overnight gatherings. So you don't either! (If I can do it, you can too!) And just because our name implies fly fishing, a very high percentage of us do not fish nor care to even try. SOTF has evolved quite a bit since it's origins as a small women's fishing group to what it is now- the largest women's outdoorsy social & recreational group in the nation.

Think Regional

All our members are grouped in 10 basic geographical regions to help facilitate local or regional gatherings and events and to communicate better on a colloquial level. Those regions are:

(Canada, Alaska, Idaho, Oregon, E. Washington, W. Washington)
2. SOTF WEST REGION (California, Nevada, Hawaii)
3. SOTF SOUTHWEST REGION (Arizona, Utah, New Mexico)
5. SOTF ROCKY MOUNTAIN REGION (Montana, Colorado, Wyoming, Nebraska, So. Dakota, No. Dakota)
6. SOTF HEARTLAND REGION (Arkansas, Kansas, Missouri, Oklahoma)
7. SOTF MIDWEST REGION (Indiana, Michigan, Ohio, Minnesota, Iowa, Wisconsin, Illinois)
 (New York, Connecticut, Rhode Island, Massachusetts, Maine, NH & VT)
APPALACHIA REGION (Kentucky, West Virginia, Virginia, MD, PA, NJ & DE, Tennessee)
(North Carolina, South Carolina, Alabama, Florida, Georgia, Louisiana, Mississippi)

By the numbers---

Below are how many active, annual dues-paying Sisters on the fly members there are in these states & foreign countries
(as of January 2019).


Alabama- 101
Alaska- 16
Arizona- 300
Arkansas- 100
California- 885
Colorado- 286
Connecticut- 28
Delaware- 13
District of Columbia- 3
Florida- 281
Georgia- 220
Hawaii- 4
Idaho- 173
Illinois- 106
Indiana- 81
Iowa- 40
Kansas- 86
Kentucky- 52
Louisiana- 70
Maine- 30
Maryland- 56
Massachusetts- 58
Michigan- 101
Minnesota- 62
Mississippi- 36
Missouri- 162
Montana- 165
Nebraska- 26
Nevada- 75
New Hampshire- 25
New Jersey- 55
New Mexico- 75
New York- 126
North Carolina- 160
North Dakota- 14
Ohio- 145
Oklahoma- 170
Oregon- 227
Pennsylvania- 81
Rhode Island- 10
South Carolina- 70
South Dakota- 36
Tennessee- 111
Texas- 1,153
Utah- 46
Vermont- 20
Virginia- 121
Washington- 363
West Virginia- 18
Wisconsin- 65
Wyoming- 80

To learn more click HERE.

To reach out and learn more, email us.

Thanks for checking out Sisters on the fly. Hope to see you as a member soon.