Getting BOLDer: Friendship & Aging

Ginny, SOTF #3537, shares with us all here-

“When women get together as a group, it is immensely powerful.” Annie Lennox

I often remind the young women in my life how important their women friends are. I tell them I understand they are working, raising a family, keeping a house. But, trust me, I tell are going to need your peeps. I did the same thing. I put a husband through medical school while raising my older daughter and working full time. I had girlfriends, but when we moved away and started a practice, I had to start over. This time I had acreage to tend to. A much larger house. A growing medical practice that kept my husband busy and kept me entertaining. I had a teenager in cheerleading and choir and drama. And then we had another baby. My friendships were selective.

When that marriage ended, I had to start over yet again. New jobs, new friends, navigating a new life. I remarried and we relocated several times for his work. After a while, starting over became more challenging and I ended up becoming somewhat isolated. My husband was my only source of socialization and he was working sixty hours a week. Then...he died suddenly.

In Need Indeed

When I was at the hospital, I called my ex-husband to ask medical questions. At one point he said, “You need to call someone to come be with you. You shouldn’t be alone right now.” My mind drew a blank. I told him, “I don’t have any friends. I don’t know who to call.” It wasn’t true, of course. I had plenty of friends. I just hadn’t kept in touch with them for so long, I felt awkward calling. I ended up calling one of my long time friends and she dropped what she was doing to run to my side. I was never so grateful as I was when she walked in that room.

Women’s Friendship Month

September is Women’s Friendship Month. It’s a wonderful time to celebrate the Sisterhood we find here with Sisters on the Fly. Many of us come to this organization looking for friends because we’ve lost ours along the way. We might be a little older, and a little wiser, and we recognize the importance of having good friends we can count on in the tough times and celebrate with in the good times. I am struck by the generous, friendly nature of the many Sisters I have met in the five years I have been involved with SOTF. I have heard wonderful stories of selflessness and sacrifice given to other women...complete strangers really, save for a number behind their name. When a Sister was in an accident, others drove overnight and sat with her until her husband could get there. Sisters come help when a camper breaks down and keep their fellow Sister company till it’s fixed. Sisters have gathered to help a town in Texas clean up after a hurricane. I am comforted by that. I know someone will have my back in one way or another should the need arise. And I’ll have hers. I don’t know of very many organizations that give you that sense of “family”.

Healthy Aging Month

September is also Healthy Aging Month. As we age, we are often faced with medical crises that could have been largely prevented with a healthy lifestyle and regular maintenance healthcare. When I became a widow at 59, it was six years too early for Medicare. Insurance was expensive with a large deductible. I put off a lot of routine medical care and now that I am 65, I’m paying the price for that. I’ve had doctors appointments every week since the first of June and that really ate into my camping time!

Keep On Trucking, Baby

I’ve heard it said, “When you stop, you drop.” Moderate exercise, a healthy diet, adequate sleep, and maintaining personal interests and friendships go a long way toward keeping healthy and happy as we age. Something as simple as setting a timer periodically throughout the day to remind yourself to drink water can improve your health, ward off illness, and keep your brain functioning better because our sense of thirst diminishes as we age. Sometimes we have to be the instigator and reach out to others instead of waiting for them to reach out to us. In other words, it takes a little work, a little effort, a little attention to get and maintain healthy relationships as well as healthy bodies and minds.

Create Community

When I spoke at the International Conference on Positive Aging in Washington, DC, I met some extraordinary women who are pioneering innovation for healthy aging. One idea that particularly struck my fancy was communal living. I have long been a proponent of the Tiny House Movement, hence my love for all things camping. There are places where clusters of these tiny homes are being built around a central building that contains a kitchen, restroom, guest room, library, a dining/conference room, and a large, comfortable living room. A communal garden with sitting areas and manicured pathways connect the little houses to one another for easy visiting. This allows women to age in place, have their own space, and be a contributing member of the community at the same time. I have had wonderful conversations with other Sisters about this subject and we only half-jokingly refer to the “Sisters on the Fly Retirement Community”. Wouldn’t that be fun?

Women’s Friendship and Healthy Aging go hand in hand. Sisters on the Fly is a great place to find the friends you need and the activities you like to keep you healthy and joyful as you age. Think outside the box. Come up with ideas to keep us involved with camping and outdoor adventures well into our “golden years”. I don’t know about you, but I want to slide into my grave sideways with a hearty “Yee-haw...what a ride!!!”

Till then, get out there and have more fun than anyone, my dear Sisters!

With much love and gratitude,


Post contributed by blogger, Positive Aging Expert & Motivational Speaker,
Ginny McKinney, SOTF #3537
Marshmallow Ranch Blog

"Girl Time-" The Benefits of Female Friendships

We love this insightful article written by a Counselling Psychologist with her very comprehensive list of the benefits of having girlfriends in your life, ladies.

Here are a couple of those:

· There aren’t any taboo topics while talking to them. We can talk just about anything — if things are good, they are excited for us; if not they encourage and support us in whatever we are going through.

· Even if we don’t say anything, they can read our mind, and never fail to show us compassion.

· They walk with us through everything — death, divorce, illness; are each other's cheerleader, offering a helping hand and reminding us of the "glass half full."

· They infuse in us   energy and optimism

Read the whole article HERE.


Getting Bolder: Change is in the Air

Ginny, SOTF #3537, shares with us all here;

“It takes courage to grow up and become who you really are.” e.e.cummings

OLD SCHOOL Sentiments

Remember what it felt like as a child at the end of summer? The air changed. The colors became muted as the end of the growing season hit. Nights became cooler. Locusts began their incessant call as daylight waxed to evening. We stayed outside till the street lights came on...milking every moment of joy we could from each day. School was right around the corner. Maybe we had our new book bag purchased. Maybe we had new shoes. Maybe our moms were busy sewing dresses or knitting sweaters or socks to send us into a new season. Whatever was going on in your individual world, you knew a change was coming. Something new. Something fresh. Something unknown. It was simultaneously exciting and terrifying. And...inevitable.

Change of Season

Thus we have August. The “dog days of summer”. Heat shimmers off the asphalt during the day. Nights hold a velvety warmth for an hour or so before the chill brings you closer to the fire or you grab a wrap for your shoulders. You know your camping days are numbered now. What felt like an endless stretch of time before you turns into a sense of urgency to get out there and get some fun under your belt while you still can.

No Better Time than NOW

I was fortunate to find the Sisters in late spring. When I joined, I had an open calendar, a new camper, and unlimited time to spend traveling, meeting new friends, and exploring new places. My husband had just died in March so my time was now my own for the very first time in my life. As a method of coping with his death, I signed up for every event I possibly could and I have to tell you...that was singularly the best thing I ever could have done for myself. I had instant support, yet there wasn’t any of this “hand-wringing pity” you so often are faced with as a grieving widow. Instead, I had empathetic listeners who sat respectfully while I shared my story, reached out and gave me a hug, then immediately said, “Hey, a bunch of us are going hiking in a little bit. Wanna join us?” It was exactly what I needed. Acknowledgement of my pain...encouragement for my healing.

Jump in With Both Feet

The fast paced, frenetic schedule I set up for myself when I first joined soon morphed into a more laidback stretch of time. I relaxed into the comfort that comes when you arrive at an event and recognize someone you met earlier in the year. You get a little time and experience under your belt and before you know it, you start to recognize the newbies. The ones who are currently sitting in the seat you sat in not so long ago. This is one of the very best times to be a Sister...when you can reach back and offer the same love and encouraging support to those coming up the ranks behind you. It gives you such a sense of fulfillment and accomplishment to have learned new skills you can now share.

Growing Up & Growing Confident

Sisters on the Fly has grown so much since its inception nearly two decades ago. There have been growing pains, surely. But the basic premise of the whole endeavor has withstood the test of time. Sisters have come and gone as not every group is the right fit for everyone. I am here to tell you, as a member of five years, you will get out what you put into this organization. If you are looking for someone to cater to your every whim, you are in the wrong place. But if you are willing to roll your sleeves up, pitch in where needed, step out of your comfort zone, and be willing to put yourself out there to meet new people and learn new things, you are going to thrive with these gals.

Take Ownership  & Make it Yours

If there aren’t enough events in your some. If there aren’t enough events with your area of interest, create one. The Wranglers in your area are there to answer your questions and to guide you through the website to teach you how to find events. While some Wranglers host events, they can’t be expected to plan, organize, and carry out every event in your area. We Wranglers depend on our area Sisters to step up and be brave and BOLD and schedule the kinds of events you want to go to. We’ll help in anyway we can by answering questions and pointing you in the right direction.

Sisters on the Fly is entirely what YOU make it to be. There are large events all over the country that are often “bucket list” trips to aspire to. There are yearly events that are a bit competitive to get into because so many Sisters want to return year after year. That’s why we have gone “back to basics” and we are encouraging lots more small, free, impromptu gatherings. No muss, no fuss. Just camping, gathering around the campfire, sharing our Sisterhood with other like-minded women. I don’t know about you, but I kind of enjoy the smaller gatherings more anyway. You have the opportunity to really get to know your fellow Sisters on a deeper level. There is more time to bond. There is more time to laugh. There is even more time to nap or read in a hammock or stand in a river. Not every minute has to be planned out to make a SOTF event successful. This isn’t a competition to see who can put on the biggest show. Far from it.

Step in & Step Up

So, we’re winding down the camping season. Why not step in with both feet and start something new? We have recently had a huge surge in new memberships with the video released by The Travel Channel. Take advantage of that uptick in the number of Sisters available to have more fun than anyone with. You will never regret having fun with a bunch of women who have magically become girls again!

With much love,


Post contributed by blogger, Positive Aging Expert & Motivational Speaker,
Ginny McKinney, SOTF #3537
Marshmallow Ranch Blog

Why do you renew YOUR SOTF membership each year?

A current member recently posed this question on Sister's on the fly Members' Facebook page on the eve of renewing her annual membership ($70 annual dues) and the answers were very insightful. Here are some of those-

Carol M- I love meeting new sisters and I love my friends I’ve met before. I love how supportive this group of women are and how warm and welcome I feel when I’m with them. I hope you can experience the same.

Pat DI saw an article in a magazine years ago about SOTF and thought "how cool is that?" I put it in the back corner of my mind, but never forgot. I was talking to a friend one say about getting a little trailer, and she started sending me all kinds of pictures. Then, I met a gal at a craft show and we started talking about trailers and both ended up joining and have consecutive Sister numbers! I had bought a beat up trailer and had started working on it before I joined. I found out about an event in McKinney, and Tammie, the hostess convinced me to come, even though I was't finished with it. Before the McKinney event, there was a sister event in Fort Worth at the Cowgirl Museum. I went over on the Friday when they had a public event and realized I had found my "tribe." I met Tammie face to face that night, and she nearly squeezed all the air out of my lungs. Joining SOTF is the most empowering thing I have ever done. I LOVE towing my trailer. It is one of those "happy places."

Ann F- I love meeting all the sisters and enjoy time with woman that are so nice and welcoming. It is fun to travel to places you wouldn’t get to without this organization.

Susan B- If it weren’t for SOTF I’d never have herded cattle on a Wyoming ranch, swam with the Manatees in FL, wandered Custer State Park again, kayaked Lake Superior or been going to New England. I feel sisters support and encouragement in everything I do.

Julie B- Adventures, getting me back to my home state of CA... I wouldn’t be going back without my sister trips. Wouldn’t be a sister if I didn’t do trips. You can find lots of groups on Meetup for lunch and movies but this group is for the travel/camping.

Bette P- I’ve camped since I was a kid, love to fish (hubs doesn't) and I use to own and show horses (urban cowgirl) and I’m a little crazy. When I saw a segment on Travel Channel years ago and knew someday I’d be a Sister. Joined last month Sister #10371?. Presently restoring my little trailer and can’t wait for my first event.

Kristin M- I’m Sister #29. Oh, the stories I have and the fun... Oh my. The friends I’ve made....priceless.

Kathy W- Just one reason..... The sisters I've met are amazing. I would have never met them without SOTF.

Nancy E- I enjoy the friendships I have made, the memories. I wouldn't have met these women had it not been for SOTF! SO looking forward to meeting and having fun with many more! To me, its well worth the money!

Lugene W- SOTF is made up of some of the most kind-hearted, vibrant, FUN, brilliant, talented, welcoming gals in the world. Nuff said! #3333.

Vicki B- The last 6 or so years of my life, I've gone through major life changes. 1) Major surgery with the potential for cancer, but thankfully, no cancer 2) Move away from my *peeps* & support system 3) Daughter off the rails 4) Loss of Mom and Dad 5) Cleaning & packing up parents' & childhood home. About halfway through all this, I joined SOTF and have so much enjoyed, needed and am thankful for the support, friendship and simple hugs I've gotten.

Kris B- Omg....where do I start??? Life changing, fun, challenging, amazing, one of the best things I have ever done for myself and SOTF has brought some of the most amazing people into my life....and did I say FUN? It has brought me laughter, tears, amazement and joy..... Many of my friends and family live through my eyes and adventures...SOTF is a gift to myself.

JoAnn S- So I don't have to travel alone. My husband doesn't like to travel so I probably won't go without my sister's. And oh the places I've seen!!!

Becki F- I've met some of my closest friends in this group. It's the best thing I've ever done for myself. As women, everything is our responsibility. Trips with the girls become my time to take care of me. Unwind, laugh, cut up, do nothing, do something, whatever I feel like. These ladies are my tribe and I'll autorenew until I die.

Ginny McKI lost my husband five years ago. The Sisters showed me HE died, I did not. I love the sense of community SOTF provides!

Kathy C- Sister support

SOTF Supports Breast Cancer Recovery

As a proud supporter for Casting for Recovery,
Sisters on the fly fundraises for this breast cancer recovery 
and has fun doing it at the same time with crowd-pleasing events across the country.
Casting For Recovery is a tax-exempt organization under the 501(c)(3) section of the IRS.

cfrThanks in Advance

Thank you to all our Sisters in advance for fundraising for CfR. If a Sister would like to use our Sotf membership to reach out for CfR,

please contact us at We can help you out.

Where to send proceeds

TX SOTF floatAny donation checks from SOTF fundraising events should be made out to Casting for Recovery. On the memo line of the check please write “CFR National” if it is for the national programs in general or specify if it is for a specific state or retreat like “for Eastern Idaho retreat” or “for Idaho’s state wide CFR retreats.”

Mail to:
Casting for Recovery | 109 East Oak St, Ste 1G | Bozeman, MT 59715 | (888) 553-3500

Local Support Needed

Local Sisters can support their local Survivor Sisters… Every local CfR retreat program is “grassroots” and responsible to raise its own funds- about $20,000 per retreat EACH YEAR. Your local CfR state program needs your help!

Sisters are encouraged to raise money and awareness for their local area retreat with events and parties held in the area with donors coming from that community (i.e. a local Sisters Christmas gift or a local Trailer Tour event). 100% of the money raised goes straight to the local retreat program.  We can connect you to your local CfR Program Coordinator so she & her team can help out.


SAVE THE DATE and join Sisters on the fly at this big national fundraiser:
( Learn more at )

Sister Spotlight: Time is precious for this Road Warrior!

I have worked in an office as a legal assistant at a law firm for 23 years. Now, the older I get, the more fresh air I crave!  

Living in the Northeast my entire life, I appreciate every moment of time I can have outside.  Favorite pastimes while camping are laying in my hammock with a good book, riding my bike and taking long strolls.  Another happy place is in my kayak.  I love to paddle long and far to wash away all the stress. I have recently acquired a love for yoga and the inner peace it gives me as well as the physical health.

My favorite motto is “Time is more precious than gold.”  I try to live by this to collect memories, not things.  When I joined Sisters on the fly I would constantly tell the Sisters, "I’m a Camper, not a Glamper." And yet each trip I take with them finds one more decoration on or in my trailer.  I also said that about dressing up for events, but I have found that it’s lots of fun!

I have been a camper my whole life and have always had a love for it.  My daughter refers to me as a “professional camper.”   My kids grew up spending their summers tenting in Vermont State Parks, swimming in the lakes, riding bikes until sunset and then counting the stars or roasting s'mores.  Now that my son is grown, he still chooses to vacation with his tent.  Button Bay state park along the coast of Lake Champlain is still my most favorite place to be.

I had never heard of SOTF until one cold November day when an attorney in my office told my about his wife’s friend who was taking this fascinating trip along the Lewis and Clark trail with a group of women. He said, “You should check it out, Tanya. They are your kind of women!!”  He was so right.  Joining SOTF has been so fulfilling for me. None of my local friends like to camp, so finding a group of women who love it as much as I do has been so exciting. While joining a fellow Sister on her maiden voyage in her newly purchased camper, my 18 hours with her was eye-opening. That's when I learned how glorious it was to camp without my family!  

A Sister is a Sister

Not having a biological sister of my own, I have thrived on having a Sisterhood.  It’s amazing how bonded you are to Sisters after you have just met after spending a weekend together.  When my son found out he was going to be stationed in Texas, I asked to join the Texas Sisters group Facebook page and one sister immediately reached out to me to give my son her number.  4 days after he arrived in Texas she picked him up at the Navy base, showed him all over town, where the best place to get a burger was and even took him apartment shopping!!  She will forever hold a place in my heart.

I recently towed my tiny trailer from upstate NY to Texas with my daughter while she was on spring break to visit my son and attend the SOTF event Wonderful Women of Waxahachie.  At one point my aunt, exasperated with worrying about my cross country wanderings said “you’re just like your grandmother!”  I gladly accepted that as a compliment. One of my many highlights on this trip was teaching my 16 year old daughter to tow.  Because we were traveling over 1,200 miles I wanted her to know what to do in case of an emergency. She was elated and so proud of herself! I feel it’s something everyone should learn how to do, just like driving a standard transmission.  

My grandmother was a “Girl Camper” before it was popular.  She was a truck loving lady who towed a small Frolic camper and would take me camping with her.  To this day I cherish those memories.  She has always taught me women can do anything we put our mind to!  My camper is named Lil Viv after my grandmother and a reminder of our times in her little camper.

I still have a teenage daughter at home and my sweet-strong-willed elderly grandmother to care for so I’m a still pretty much a weekend warrior at this point, but I know my day will come where I will be setting off in  my tiny trailer for weeks at a time to explore our beautiful country.  My bucket list is long!! Until then, I treasure each moment I can squeeze in this crazy life, especially ones with my Sisters.

Tanya Forrest # 7926
Sisters on the fly
Northeast Wrangler for NY, MA, CT & RI

A SOTF Cowgirl College Wrap-Up

Here is SOTF #1 Maurrie Sussman's recap of this year's Cowgirl College held recently near Kaycee, WY, on the Willow Creek Ranch:

Giddy Up and sing to the cows!

What a memory our Sister Cowgirls experienced on our latest “GO” get um adventure.  A fabulous group of women pulled together and attacked this event like they knew what they were doing.  Never once did anyone get left behind, nor was a snitty remark made and never any hurt feelings. It was just plain ole western manners. Be nice is a SOTF rule and nice we ALL were.

Round Up of Women

I was not as attentive as I should have been since this was the 13th year and I assumed some of the loyal followers, dedicated cowgirls from years past would attend. Wrong!  A gathering of newbies led by an assertive problem solver, Linda Webb appeared.  She bugged and haunted me for answers and we pulled it off. We did have one return person- do you remember the photographs from two years ago, of a beautiful girl with long hair, cuddling a bum lamb? That is Melisse, and this year she was the social director.

Ranch Duties & Work

Barry our boss, Ord our chief Wrangler and Olin our main "go-to" were in heaven with beautiful women and eager learners. Two of our regular Wranglers from Kentucky could not attend but Clint, in his southern way, took those girls on like he was made for it.  Taught us how to "mug" (which is their word for wrestling calves down), to put tents up and take them down, to brand, and for some, to hold those cattle down for shots, branding and banding. That is all under "bull dogging."

What a stunning place

The camping overnight was inspiring- the moon, the stars, the fire, the singing... and two stepping! This was the first year for dance lessons! That went along with sharing moonshine and whiskey, telling stories and tons of laughter.  Also Ord took the girls to a secret location to find old Indian seed beads in the ant piles and the girls found about 4 or 5 of them.

We also had wonderful photographers going to Adam Jahiel's amazing class.
They took spectacular photos of us, Willow Creek Ranch, the branding, the family, the world as we experienced it. A lovely lovely time captured forever. Jessica, our newest Sister member, took a fabulous shot of Black Beauty (my truck) covered in red dirt with the Hole in the Wall behind us. Simply breathtaking!

Laugh a lot

So I guess this year was summed up as:
Eat, ride, eat, laugh, ride, eat, drink...drink...laugh, ride, pass a cigar, two step, laugh, laugh, laugh, drink, rope a dummy, eat, sleep and do it again the next day.

Thank you to Kristen, Barry, Lilly and Caroline, Susie our cook, and Olin our go-to person, dishwasher and bbq cook.

Sisters on the fly has more fun than anyone, especially on this bucket list trip.

Next year, same place, about the same time. Look for this event in 2019 coming soon to our website.

Love from Maurrie

Getting BOLDER & Letting It Shine!

Sisters at Caddis Hatch #2
Go Camping, naturally!

June is National Camping Month and can you think of anything more wonderful to do than getting yourself out in nature during the perfect month of the year?

School is out so the kids and grandkids can enjoy learning new skills and follow in your camping footsteps. They may not seem terribly enthusiastic, but you’re planting a seed...and that’s a good thing. As with most of these “National Holidays”, National Camping Month was the marketing brainchild of The North Face, makers of excellent camping gear. That’s not to say observing this “holiday” is without merit.

Amazing Outdoor Events R Us!

Sisters on the fly members love joining up with other Sisters and finding something wonderful to do and the summer months are prime camping season. Just take one look at the June calendar on the Sisters on the Fly event page for members and you’ll find some pretty amazing opportunities for gathering around that campfire and enjoying yourself. (Be logged into the SOTF member portal and view all events HERE.)

How about the Annual "Sister Swarm" Event held in conjunction with the Country Living Fair in Rhinebeck, NY? There are many things to do in the area besides the Fair, but if you’ve never been to one, you really should try to attend. Seriously, it’s like walking into the pages of Country Living Magazine.

Or, you could go to the Synchronized Fireflies SOTF event in the Great Smoky Mountains. This is certainly on MY bucket list. There are only a handful of places where these synchronous fireflies can be seen. Normally, you can find fireflies (more commonly referred to as lightning bugs) all over the mid-Atlantic states from late May through June. They seem to here, another fields and woods a sparkling look just after sunset. Synchronous fireflies, as their name implies, light up “en masse”...all on, all off. It is a sight to see!

Sisters love kayaking together
We are A-OK with OK! and in a KOA

Oklahoma is where you’ll find Sisters gathering for the Trailer Trash III at Natural Falls State Park in West Siloam Springs. This event offers campers the opportunity to spend some time out on the water at the Kayak Park. You can bring your vintage wares to sell or barter, too. Who can pass up a good tag sale when you’re looking for that perfect tchotchke for your vintage camper? Can you say “Plaid” or “Pyrex”?

One of the BIG bucket list trips you might be yearning for is held at Willow Creek Ranch in Kaycee, Wyoming. The 3rd Annual Cowgirl College Rendezvous is being held in June. This is a "GO Sister" Trip where you can learn cowgirling skills on a working ranch. And, work you will do! Riding, roping, wrangling...whatever needs to be done, you’ll be pitching in and doing it. They work hard and play hard and I hear it’s not to be missed. One word of caution, however. This event is for horse riders that are intermediate or above and limited to ten Sisters plus Maurrie and Becky, so it is something you need to plan for well in advance.

Riding the range at Willow Creek Ranch

The annual Buckeye Bash Event is being held at the KOA in Dayton, Ohio at the end of the month. As is the Northwest Gathering, celebrating their Lucky #13 this year! So, as you can see there’s plenty to do. The larger events are already full by this time of the year, but careful planning for next year could see you starting a new tradition. In the meantime, there are still plenty of events open in the month of June and beyond.

If you aren’t finding what you would like to do, or if there aren’t any events scheduled near you, plan your own! It doesn’t have to be elaborate. You can do a fee free gathering at a local campground or camp in your own backyard if you have the room. The possibilities are endless!

“TOW-Wanda" is my home away from home.
There were three in the bed & the little one said... ROLL OVER

I didn’t camp as a child. My first camping experience was when I was seventeen. I went with my first boyfriend and his family. We slept in a musty-smelling canvas hunting tent with side walls in North Bend State Park in West Virginia. His dad had an elaborate, homemade camp kitchen cabinet that intrigued me. His mom slept on the cot between my boyfriend and me to keep things...appropriate. It was my first taste of the good life in the great outdoors.

It was many years before I had the opportunity to camp again, but at that point, if my daughter couldn’t plug in her blow dryer, she wasn’t interested. I took my second child a couple of times when she was younger, but she never really liked it either.

I didn’t really get into camping on a regular basis until I became a widow five years ago. Now, it’s my happy place. You all know the feeling...when you can’t camp, you sleep in your camper in the driveway. I actually lived in my camper pretty much full time for about three years after I lost my husband and that was the very best thing I could have done for myself.

Shine On, Summer Sunshine

Summer Solstice occurs at 6:07am on Thursday, June 21st this summer in the Northern Hemisphere. This is the day... the perfect day for camping. The most hours of daylight gives you ample opportunity to cram in as many activities as you can... or float in an inner tube down a lazy river... or lie in a hammock under a shade tree with a good book sipping sweet tea. Whatever floats your boat, get out there this month and have a blast. Save up all that sunshine and all those memories so you can sit inside in January and look at the pictures. Make new friends. Meet up with old ones. And... Have more fun than anyone!

With much love,

Post contributed by blogger, Positive Aging Expert & Motivational Speaker,
Ginny McKinney, SOTF #3537
Marshmallow Ranch Blog

A Heart-Healthy Valentine's Message

I just read an article that strongly suggests that being part of a group like Sisters on the Fly can have amazing benefits for your health.
Scientists state that looking after your social life may be even more important than a good diet and regular exercise when it comes to your health. An impressive body of evidence now shows that being a member of a social group is good for both your mental and physical health, and can even add years to your life.

Read that whole article HERE


My heart  has grown since being a member of Sisters on the Fly. How could it not?
I have had to jam into it so many women I've met and fallen in love with over the 15 years I've been a member. I could name some names but... too many to list here and too many still that I wish I knew in person. Maybe in 2018!

Unlike the Grinch, whose heart was two sizes too small & who tried to steal all the gifts and the spirit of Christmas away from Whoville, my heart has grown with all the gifts these Sisters give me and the spirit they fill in me.

What kind of gifts, you ask? Random acts of kindness, sisterly advice, a feeling of appreciation of who I am, energy both physically and emotionally, inclusion and real friendships. The spirit? There's the spirit of sharing, hostessing, creating wonderful events  that take us places and show us new things and share worlds otherwise unknown and unexplored to me and others...


Getting Bolder: The Joys of Sun, Sea, and Breeze

Blog Post Getting Bolder
“Live in the sunshine, swim the sea, drink the wild air.”  - Ralph Waldo Emmerson
I've been on a quest ever since my husband passed away unexpectedly three years ago. A quest to survive. A quest to find myself. A quest to grow. It hasn't been easy and there have been many potholes on the road, but I've learned how to climb back up out of them and eventually to cross the street to avoid them.I'm not the only one to have suffered this grave loss. I've met many women, and a few men, who have faced this particular demon and lived to tell the tale. That is one of the many reasons I knew I had found my people in Sisters on the Fly. My very first outing with them was a mere two months after my husband's death. I will never forget how they listened empathetically then drew me in to a fun activity. Not to "get my mind off it", but to show me a bigger worldview than I had been looking at. They led me, loved me, and gave me hope for a future filled with joy and adventure.

I wouldn't say I was a particularly timid person before I became a widow, though I suffered nearly all my life with anxiety and insecurities. (Thank you, genetics!) I was much better during the seven years I had my husband, but I was thrust back into a world of uncertainties after I lost him. How was I going to get through this? How do I do that thing that needs doing? I grabbed the bull by the horns when I went out two weeks after the funeral and bought a little travel trailer and took off for three months on a solo adventure in the mountains of Colorado. That was a pretty bold move I suppose, for someone who had never really camped before. But, by golly, this was the life we were planning and HE died...I did not!

After that first year, I knew I loved the vagabond, gypsy lifestyle living in an RV provided so I sold my house and upgraded to a 30' camper and hit the road. I've been documenting the journey and have converted a fair share of women to the RVing life and the Sisterhood. I love it when one of the readers on my blog says, "You've inspired me...I bought a trailer!" And really...I won't stop till we're ALL Sisters!

One of the wonderful by products of writing my blog is meeting some really great women....many walking the same or similar path as me. Carol McGarity is one of them. Carol lost her husband many years ago and she confided in me that she was feeling a little stuck. She admired what I was doing but wasn't sure she could do it. Many of us can relate to that, can't we? We worry about being out there alone. We worry about what will happen if we break down on a deserted stretch of road. We worry about towing and backing up and emptying the dreaded blackwater tank. I repeatedly assured Carol, once you get over the initial decision, the rest is a piece of cake. You just put one foot in front of the other, check your list, and do the next thing. It wasn't too long till I received that triumphant message that said, "Well, I figured if you could do this so soon after losing your husband, then surely I can!" And she went out and bought her beloved Lady Bug and joined the Sisters!

That was very brave of Carol. And now she's being even more brave. She had a health scare this winter and started having treatments every month that is somewhat akin to running her blood through a dishwasher. They aren't easy. We all know being sick is no fun. Being sick alone can be brutal. Carol is growing bolder every single day through this experience. She is one of my heroes!

Many Sisters have an easy transition because they've always been bold. But there are certainly a lot of Sisters who have earned their stripes...and their badges...the hard way. By facing fear head on, recognizing it for what it is, and moving forward to do that thing that scares them the most.



Ginny McKinney, Sister #3537

Follow Ginny, Author, Blogger, and Speaker at Marshmallow Ranch 

Stay tuned to this spot as we explore the transitions that we encounter in this march through life. I’ll be featuring some amazing women as we discover the myriad ways we Sisters adjust to the changes thrust upon us. I hope you’ll grab a cup of coffee and sit a spell by the fire with me.